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Trumpcare is No Solution For Obamacare

Trumpcare is No Solution For Obamacare

by Jake MacAulay

President Barack Obama has scheduled an upcoming meeting with congressional Democrats to discuss saving the Affordable Care Act — or Obamacare — from President-elect Donald Trump and congressional Republicans.


With Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s call to make repealing and replacing Obamacare “step one” in the GOP agenda this year and House Speaker Paul Ryan’s design to “privatize” Medicare, Obama, Pelosi and their ilk are a bit frantic, and are urging fellow Democrats to hold events to warn voters in their district about the GOP plans.


Many claim that the Obama scheme is a disaster and a very bad idea for America’s future. They say it will bring much debt, suffering, sickness and death for you and for your family.  They feel that we need to use unconstitutional government power to replace this broken scheme.


I agree that Obamacare is a bad plan and an unconstitutional plan. But these are not the same thing.


To say that something is a bad idea and to say it is unconstitutional is to say two different things. Let me explain…


Suppose you invite me to your house for dinner and while I’m there I notice that your window treatments are shabby and that your furniture does not match your wall colors. So, the next day, while you’re not at home, I break into your house and change the windows and the walls. For the sake of argument, let’s say I actually make it look better than it did before I broke in. I’m still guilty of the crime of breaking and entering and trespass.


Do you see that even if it was a good idea to change the décor, it was a crime because it was outside of my authority to do it?


So all the talking heads and millions of others that are screaming that the government takeover of the health care system is a very bad idea are right. But even if it was a good idea, it would be a criminal scheme all the same, because the Constitution provides no authority for the federal government to involve itself in “health care” or in “health care financing” or in “insurance” of any kind.  Furthermore, to replace the current system of health care with a “better idea” will still remain unconstitutional; therefore, illegal and criminal.


The operative clauses to look up here are Article One, Section Eight, of the Constitution, as well as the Tenth Amendment. It will only take you about six minutes to read and understand that Obamacare, or any variation of it, is more than just a bad idea for the health care of Americans. It is a dangerous and tyrannical trespass into American homes and lives. 


All the smoke and mirrors about what “Obamacare” costs, or newly appointed head of the Department of Health and Human Services Tom Price’s plan to fix the current problems we see with the Affordable Care Act, are irrelevant.


Simply put, there is no right way to do a wrong thing.  To repeal Obamacare is the correct Constitutional solution, but to replace it means we will still have a unconstitutional Federal Healthcare system. Trumpcare is no solution for Obamacare.