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Meet The Team

*Institute on the Constitution has many additional Chapter Leaders, affiliates, certified instructors, instructors, and hosts that you can find here. Below you will find information for organization leadership and those who run daily operations at Institute on the Constitution.


Michael Peroutka, Founder

A Christian and an attorney, Michael is co-founder of  Institute on the Constitution (IOTC). He is a graduate of Loyola College (now University) in Maryland and  University of Baltimore School of Law. The Constitution Party’s candidate for President in  2004, Michael had a platform which sought to honor  God, protect the family, and restore the Republic. The  platform came to be known as “The American View of  Law and Government,” and inspired the name of the website,


Larry Mayo, CEO & President

Larry D. Mayo - of Lewes, Delaware, is a musician, recording artist, public speaker, radio personality, and amateur historian.

 After over a decade of studying our founding documents and the men who wrote them, Larry realized how little Americans had been taught about American history and has made it his passion to change that. Larry began as an IOTC student who became a Certified Instructor, then Delaware Chapter Leader, elected to the Board of Directors, appointed to Vice President, and currently is C.E.O. and President of the Institute on the Constitution. Having grown up at what is now the Delaware Seashore State Park and holding a deep love for Delaware, he embarked on the task of developing “A Comprehensive Study of The Delaware State Constitution” as a major part of his passion to restore the DE state government to its proper constitutional role. Larry has taught hundreds of students, from young teens at The Cross Christian Academy, to adults of all ages, as well as elected officials at churches and civic organizations throughout Delaware.

  As Thomas Jefferson said “Anyone who desires to remain ignorant and free, desires what never was and never will be.”

To host a class, book a speaking engagement, or an interview contact Larry at:; 302-745-2478



David Whitney, Senior Instructor

Pastor David Whitney graduated from Rutgers University as a Henry Rutgers Honors Scholar with Honors in History. He received his Masters Degree from Denver Seminary. He has pastored churches in New Jersey, Colorado, Florida and Maryland for more than 40 years. He is currently the Pastor of Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church.

In addition, for 21 years he has been teaching the Christian heritage and history of our country with Institute on the Constitution where he serves as Senior Instructor and Radio show host.  He is currently teaching the only course offered anywhere on the Maryland State Constitution.





Ricki Pepin, Dean of Instructors

Ricki is the IOTC Ohio Chapter leader, the Dean of Institute on the Constitution Students, and author of the Host Manuals for the US Constitution Course and Truth about America’s Founding courses. She is a former employee of the FBI, a published author and international lecturer.




Rob McQuay, Director of Production

Rob began working with the Institute on the Constitution while he was the Program Manager of National Pro Life Radio. In 2012, Rob took over as the Director of Production for the IOTC. As DP, Rob has overseen all production aspects for the Institute including radio, video production, DVD production, live streaming, communications (including telephone and internet) and IT services. Rob is now owner/operator of RM Productions ( and continues to serve IOTC.

