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The War on Black Lives in America

The War on Black Lives in America

by Jake MacAulay 

Despite being a culture of death, Americans have uncompromisingly (or so we think) done away with slavery and racial discrimination in a pursuit of liberty for all men and women.


Noah Webster clarifies that the “liberty of one depends not so much on the removal of all restraint from him, as on the due restraint upon the liberty of others.” 


This restraint on the liberty of others is exemplified in chattel slavery.  Webster defines a slave as, “A person who is wholly subject to the will of another; one who has no will of his own, but whose person and services are wholly under the control of another.”


During a Congressional hearing about the Heartbeat Protection Act, pro-life leader Star Parker -- a black woman who had four abortions early in her life -- testified, “In fact, when you put the Dred Scott decision next to the Roe v. Wade decision they read almost verbatim.” Parker continued, "Abortion is the leading cause of death in the black community today."  She went on to explain that since the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, “Twenty-million humans have been killed inside of the womb of black women.”


When “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd queried if an unborn child’s life is wholly under the control of the mother, former presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson asserted, “During slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave. And, you know, what if the abolitionist had said, you know, ‘I don’t believe in slavery. I think it’s wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do’? Where would we be?”


Infant murder, as horrid as slavery and lynching, has become an unprecedented abomination in our country, taking roughly 4,000 lives a day!


Wall Street Journalist Jason Riley wrote the following: “Prior to his run for president, civil rights advocate Jesse Jackson called abortion ‘murder’ and once told a black newspaper in Chicago, ‘We used to look for death from the man in the blue coat and now it comes in a white coat.’”


Tragically deceived by white establishment political parties, many leaders of black civil-rights organizations today are joined at the hip with abortion-rights proponents such as Planned Parenthood.


The magnitude of the death toll of African-Americans in these pro-choice clinics is nothing short of staggering.


In 2014, black women were 13% of the female population, yet 36% of all abortions were black babies.


According to a New York City Health Department report, between 2012 and 2016 black mothers terminated 136,426 pregnancies and gave birth to 118,127 babies. That means more black children were murdered than were allowed to be born.


“You shall not murder” does not apply to white lives alone, and violation of this supreme law results in personal and societal consequences.


When we abandon God's Word, we abandon all rationality. We instead have to prop up an abstract morality full of racism, contradictions, deceit and worse.


The white-American acceptance of racist white police officers murdering black men in cold blood or a genocidal white doctor dismembering black infant Americans has always been and will always be an abomination. 


Let’s be clear, any political agenda justifying one over the other and maintaining “freedom for the people” is outright duplicitous and unloving.


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