Join Us in Restoring Constitutional Values: Support Our Mission Today!

What will YOU say when they ask, "What was Freedom like?"

Friends of the Constitutional Republic, we can't let our posterity ever have to ask, "WHAT WAS FREEDOM LIKE?"

John Adams in a letter to his wife wrote

"It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more. You will think me transported with Enthusiasm but I am not. I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means. And that Posterity will tryumph in that Days Transaction, even altho We should rue it, which I trust in God We shall not."


It’s no secret that America’s downward spiral is picking up speed. We're seeing tyrannical electric vehicle mandates, government induced inflation, outlawing gas stoves and water heaters, a two tiered justice system and millions of illegal border crossings. The American, Biblical view of law and government is being stomped out of history books, the educational system, and culture. This makes our mission to restore the principles of our Constitutional Republic through grassroots education even more urgent. 

At IOTC we’ve been working hard during this year to get the organization into a position where we can handle fast, large growth to help support the educational needs of all Americans. We are updating and improving our Instructors Host manuals and video platforms to meet the needs of tomorrow's technology. While God has the eyes of the world focused here, we just opened our new operations and education center in Delaware.

It’s working! We have received reports that last year all over the country, IOTC graduates had been elected to all levels of Government - United States Senate and House, judges, school board members, city and county government positions and even more will run in 2024! We need your financial support now more than ever, to build on this momentum and help raise awareness of our organization to millions more people, and simultaneously restore our republic through our tested and tried systems and tools we’ve created 

Systems & Tools that Fuel our Grassroots Movement: 

  • Memberships – We now have substantially increased in members who have access to all of our courses This program has become a go-to resource for our instructors, affiliates, and students. It is the fuel that is helping raise up new instructors and duplicate our education and message of freedom through restoration of our founding principles. 
  • Free U.S. Constitution Course - We have thousands of students taking our free

U.S. Constitution course! This is an incredible movement that includes elected leaders currently serving as well as those planning to run in 2024!

  • Affiliate program – Our innovative IOTC affiliate program launched in February Our instructors and other affiliate organizations continue to earn a commission for utilizing and promoting IOTC education. This program encourages faster growth and awareness of our education, directly affecting the fulfillment of the mission.
  • Our State Initiative is producing fruit! In Delaware, we have been able to graduate State Representatives and State Senators on the Delaware State Constitution, with some of the leadership showing interest since we held classes in the House Chamber at Legislative Hall in Dover. Hope is on the horizon!


We have prepared ourselves for large waves of new students and instructors of all ages and we would appreciate your prayerful consideration of a year-end donation that will make 2024 the year with the largest impact yet. 

Invest now and see the return before this upcoming election cycle! 

We promise that our efforts to restore the American Constitutional Republic will not fade, and we will continue to use every resource that the Almighty places into our service to 

“proclaim liberty to all the earth, and to the inhabitants thereof…” – Leviticus 25:10

Will you help combat the destructive Godless agendas – revisionist history, Critical Race Theory, the LGBTQ+ agenda, Gender Identity Policies, etc. - by investing in Institute on the Constitution programs? The importance of the right foundations and source of education cannot be overstated. 

Please prayerfully consider cheerfully giving a monthly or one time donation to help us complete these critically important initiatives to do our part to further God's plan for America!

Thank you and may God continue to Bless America1

Michael Peroutka, Larry Mayo, and the nationwide Institute on the Constitution family


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