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Save Our Children from Medical Experimentation Act

  • Most Americans believe that governments will protect their children. But what happens when a government bureaucracy wants to perform medical experiments on your children?
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have added an experimental treatment for COVID-19 to their schedule for routine childhood vaccinations.
  • What can you and your states do to protect your children from medical experimentation?


In the latest example of government bureaucrats attempting to take over our lives, the CDC has added an experimental treatment to their “Vaccine for Kids” program. This program provides eligible children free vaccines. What makes this decision truly awful is the vote by the CDC to add these treatments to their children’s vaccine schedule. Many schools and other children’s programs require children to receive the vaccines on the CDC’s schedule in order to attend. All of this is under the guise of a medical emergency that does not exist.

COVID-19 Tyranny

COVID-19 has been a blessing . . . for the tyrants and thugs that believe they know better than you how you should live your life. Sure, in the first few weeks, when we still didn’t know much about this novel corona-virus, we were willing to follow recommendations from those we thought were experts. Then those recommendations became mandates, suggestions became orders, and bureaucrats, many of whom have never even treated a patient, much less one with COVID-19, started claiming that they were the science, and anyone who disagreed with them wanted to kill grandma. All of this was justified by COVID-19 being a public health emergency. Since then more and more evidence has shown that COVID-19 was never a public health emergency, since only a very small demographic of the population was ever truly at risk of hospitalization and death. Yet the state of emergency still exists.

Doctors who treated patients quickly came up with a treatment regime using medicines that have been safely administered to humans for decades. Yet those doctors and their treatments were shunned by many in the medical community, especially those in the medical bureaucracy. In their place we were promised a panacea, a vaccine that would stop the spread of COVID-19 and release us from the tyranny of this public health emergency.

However, we soon found out that this vaccine is not legally a vaccine, as defined in the Free Legal Dictionary:

  1. A preparation of a weakened or killedpathogen, such as a bacterium or virus, or of a portion of thepathogenstructure, that is administered to prevent or treat infection by the pathogen and that functions bystimulating the production of an immune response.
  2. A preparation from the cowpox virus that protects against smallpox when administered to an individual.

vaccine – The Free Legal Dictionary

Instead of a vaccine, these treatments are gene therapy. Even worse, they are based on an experimental mRNA technology, never tested in humans. That is, never tested until it was pushed on the entire world population. Reports of rushed tests, fraudulent testing methodologies, and the hiding of information regarding adverse effects, further show the dangers of what these bureaucrats have wrought.

Schools were shut down, claiming it was dangerous for even asymptomatic children to gather, since they may spread the virus to the more susceptible. Yet there was no evidence that children spread the disease. Now those very same bureaucrats who promoted a public health emergency that wasn’t an emergency, pushed an experimental treatment without safety testing on unsuspecting people. They also demanded that millions of Americans become medical test subjects in order to keep their jobs, and now want to pressure parents to allow them to experiment on their children, too.

The CDC – A Bureaucratic Tyranny

Throughout this scamdemic the one constant seems to be ignoring the distinctions in how this virus treats different demographics. The CDC’s data shows that the old and those with serious preexisting conditions are the only groups at risk of serious consequences from infection. Those least at risk are the young. According to the CDC, less than 3% of those hospitalized and only .2% of those under that age of 17 have died with COVID. (I make the distinction of being hospitalized and dying with COVID because of the evidence that the FDA has incented hospitals to inflate their reports for monetary gain.) Yet the CDC is pushing the use of an experimental gene therapy on those least likely to be injured by the virus. It’s well past time for the American people to put a stop to this.

No mRNA based treatment currently available in the United States has been fully licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Rather, they are offered under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). The U.S. Law authorizing the Secretary to issue an EUA states that, among other things:

that there is no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating such disease or condition;

21 U.S.C. §360bbb-3(c)(3)

There was evidence, both scientific and anecdotal, that both Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were adequate and available alternatives. Sadly, the FDA not only refused to approve these drugs with long human safety histories, but there is evidence that they intentionally manipulated their testing to disprove their effectiveness.

Furthermore, Moderna officials have testified in front of European Union committees that their product was never tested for efficacy.

In October 2022, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices voted unanimously to add the COVID-19 “vaccine” to their child immunization schedule. This is despite the fact that the sum total testing of the children doses of the vaccine was on eight (8) mice. The CDC child immunization schedule is used by many schools and other youth programs as a list of vaccinations they require before a child can participate. This means the CDC is not only recommending an untested, unnecessary, and experimental treatment be part of the standard immunization for all children, they are making it a requirement for attendance in many schools.

All of this is a violation of the Nuremberg Code. (This is a medical ethics code developed after the Nazi atrocities of World War II in order to protect people from the abuses of human medical testing.) The very first point of the code is:

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

Nuremberg Code – Point 1

Because of the utter disregard the CDC has shown for medical ethics and the safety of the American people, it’s time to stop trusting these bureaucrat agencies and restore medical decision-making power to We the People.

Save Our Children from Medical Experimentation Act

With all this data, the CDC is still recommending that children as young as six months be required to take this experimental gene therapy as a condition of participation in many government funded programs. Should your school districts require their students to follow this schedule, they would be coercing parents into having their children experimented on for no medically sound reason. Since children have not been shown to transmit the disease without symptoms, then vaccination for COVID-19 is not a public health issue and there’s no reason to require it. Since children are not generally at risk from COVID-19, there is no medical reason to require them to be inoculated either. For this reason, I believe everyone, especially parents, should push their state legislatures to pass the Save Our Children from Medical Experimentation Act. I created this draft legislation to help people across the country discuss this with their legislators. The operative language is simple:

  1. All State of [STATE] office holders, agencies, schools, and programs accepting state dollars are prohibited from requiring the vaccination, immunization, or inoculation of minors based on the CDCs immunization schedule as a requirement for enrollment, attendance, or participation in any class, program, or event.
  2. No office holder, agency, school, or program receiving funding from this state may accept any monies from any government or private agency contingent on the use of the CDCs schedules for immunization.

III. Any agency, school, or program receiving funding from this state who requires the use of the CDCs schedules for immunization shall have all funding immediately terminated. After the adoption of this legislation, any monies received from the state while requiring a child follow the CDCs immunization schedule must be returned to the state within 90 days of notification by the State Attorney General or his designee or face criminal charges.

  1. Nothing in this legislation is to be construed as to prohibit parents from having their children treated with these vaccines”. 

Save Our Children from Medical Experimentation Act

This sample legislation should help you work with you state legislature to protect your children from this abusive and corrupted federal bureaucracy.

Save Our Children from Medical Experimentation Act


I’ve been saying for quite some time that the solution to many problems is local, not national. This is a perfect example. The CDC has squandered any credibility they had and they have lost the authority to dictate medical decisions to anyone. Stop waiting for your elected employees to protect your children for you; stand up and do it yourself. Who knows, this could be the first step in regaining control of your local school district. Maybe it will even teach your state representatives to stand up against the illegal actions of the government in Washington, D.C. If history has taught us anything, however, nothing will happen until We the People ordain and establish it.

Paul Engel is an Affiliate of Institute on the Constitution. He founded The Constitution Study in 2014 to help everyday Americans read and study the Constitution. Author and speaker, Paul has spent more than 20 years studying and teaching about both the Bible and the U.S. Constitution. Freely admitting that he “learned more about our Constitution from School House Rock than in 12 years of public school” he proves that anyone can be a constitutional scholar. You can find his books on the Institute on the Constitution Store (, Amazon, and Apple Books. You can also listen to his weekday radio show on America Out Loud ( You can reach him at