A Thirteen-year-old is Threatened While Standing For Life in the Womb
A Thirteen-year-old is Threatened While Standing For Life in the Womb
by Jake MacAulay
Addison Woosley, 13, spoke out during a Raleigh, North Carolina, city councilmeeting Tuesday. Woosley called for an end to abortion and to make Raleigh a “sanctuary city for the unborn“.
“Abortion should be illegal because it is murder. The definition of murder is the killing of one human being by another,” Addison said. “There’s no way around it. Abortion is murder. So, why is it if an infant is destroyed before birth, there is no problem, but if killed after birth, it’s considered a brutal murder?”
The truth of Miss Woosley’s assertion can easily be seen in America’s founding documents. In the Declaration of Independence, our founders were acknowledging a “self-evident truth” wherein they stated,
“All men are created equal with certain unalienable rights.” Did you catch that? They were not “born equal,” but rather “created equal” by their Creator with certain unalienable rights – chiefly life. And we all know human beings are created in the womb of their mother.
“On ultrasounds, the baby tries to move away from the disturbing instruments that try to kill the baby,” Addison said, “The baby’s mouth opens wide in a scream when being killed. These babies are alive. They feel being killed. It hurts them and there is nothing they can do about it.”
“Are you choosing to be like the plantation worker flogging the little black child,” the girl asked the council, “Or are you going to protest even if it cost your life like Martin Luther King, Jr.?”
In reaction to the middle schooler’s oration regarding the protection of the pre-born, shouting progressively became louder until her voice was drowned out altogether. Despite looking understandably frightened, Addison Woosley wrapped up her speech confidently and walked alone back to her seat where the thirteen-year-old girl was berated and jeered at by adults in the crowd.
I want to personally and publicly thank you, Addison Woosley, for your courageous, selfless stance against the abominable practice of infanticide. You have been thrust into this hostile war on your generation and you are responding like a boss.
Yet, despite that and against the odds of our morally depraved culture, you are willing to fight for the lives of the defenseless.
“You shall not murder” is as pertinent today as it was when God created us with the right to life. Our founders acknowledged that the “Supreme Lawgiver” created this law as a protection for His creation, and violation of His law results in personal and societal consequences.
When we abandon God’s Word, we abandon all rationality. Instead, we have chosen to prop up an abstract morality full of contradictions and deceit.
Addison is right; chattel slavery and infant murder have always been, and will always be, an abomination. Justifying one over the other and maintaining “freedom for the people” is outright duplicitous and diabolical. Rather than threaten this thirteen-year-old, Americans ought to concede to her godly, constitutional wisdom.
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