Complete Student Kit Includes:
- Student Manual
- Video Lectures on a flash drive
- Monumental DVD, Hosted by Kirk Cameron
- The Role of Pastors and Christians in Civil Government, Book by David Barton
- The Threat of Islam to Liberty and Christianity, Book by Stephen McDowell
- U.S. Constitution Abridged
Extra Materials Bundle Includes:
- Monumental DVD, Hosted by Kirk Cameron
- The Role of Pastors and Christians in Civil Government, Book by David Barton
- The Threat of Islam to Liberty and Christianity, Book by Stephen McDowell
- US Constitution Abridged Pocket Constitution with commentary
What you will learn from this course:
- The role of pastors and Christians in civil government.
- The threat of Islam to liberty and Christianity
- The role of God & the Bible in the establishment of the United States of America
Learn the role of God and the Bible in the establishment of the United States of America and how our American and Christian heritage is intertwined. Join in the cause of restoring our American Christian Heritage.
A one day, four-part seminar, examining principles and ideas our Founders used to establish the American Republic. This course is for Pastors, their church members, and all concerned citizens.