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Resource 5.3 – Voter Guide Websites

The first four Voter Guide links below are for federal and State level elections.  Due to lack of funds (mainly donations) these organizations may not have information on every candidate or issue.  In addition, many candidates often ignore questionnaires sent to them by such groups.  You can draw your own conclusions from their lack of response.  That said, these are still very useful and worthy of encouraging your church to print and insert into their bulletins, or at least put a link to them.


The fifth listing on this page is the most critical of all – LOCAL VOTER GUIDES – as these officials impact our lives the most since they are in our own backyards.   The link listed contains a step-by-step plan for how to compile your own local guide.  How important is this?


QUICK STORY – School Boards, Township Trustees, County Commissioners – these are the people who impact us directly, either to protect our rights or usurp them.  Gina Gleason (the author of this Local Voter Guide) is from Chino, California whose citizens had elected strong, Christian Conservatives to fill three of the five School Board positions.  Their impact during the next school year was so great that the other side raised up three liberals to unseat them. With the money backing the liberals, there was little hope the Christian Conservatives could hold their seats.  Gina went to work and put together a LOCAL VOTER GUIDE, and once compiled provided it to three of the largest churches in her district for distribution.  Education is power. It was enough.  THEY WON!


  1. American Family Association Voter Guide
  2. Catholic – 
  3. Christian Voter Guide –
  4. iVoters – A public Service of the American Policy Roundtable –
  5. How to Create your own Local Voter Guide – Faith & Public Policy
    The link below includes downloadable files for the entire 24-page Instructional Guide, plus separate cover letters for School Board and City Council candidates, and a Voter Guide Template.  Who do you know to approach with this idea/project to serve their community and country…maybe you?