Article 4.3 – God’s People Want to Know
To evaluate the potential role of the Christian Church in the 2016 election, a national survey among spiritually active Christians who are politically conservative or moderate was conducted during July and August of 2015. The research was conducted by the American Culture & Faith Institute, a division of United in Purpose – Education, a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization located in northern California. The research was directed by George Barna. Source:
A majority of the church-goers surveyed said it is extremely or very important for their church to teach them biblical truths related to each of the 22 different issues studied in this research!
Here are the Top 12 issues church goers want to hear from the pulpit, with the percentage of those surveyed saying that the specific issue needs to be discussed:
- Abortion: Beginning of life, right to life, contraception, adoption, unwed mothers. 91%
- Religious persecution/liberty: Personal duty, government duty, church response, global conditions. 86%
- Poverty: Personal duty, government role, church role, homelessness, hunger, dependency. 85%
- Cultural restoration: Appropriate morals, law and order, defensible values and norms, self- government. 83%
- Sexual identity: Same-sex marriage, transgenderism, marriage, LGBT. 82%
- Israel: Its role in the world, Christian responsibility to Israel, US foreign policy toward Israel and its enemies. 80%
- Christian Heritage: Role of Christian faith in American history, church role in US development, modern-day relevance. 79%
- Role of Government: Biblical view, church-state relationship, personal responsibility, limitations. 76%
- Bioethics: Cloning, euthanasia, genetic engineering, cryogenics, organ donation, surrogacy. 76%
- Self-governance: Biblical support, personal conduct, impact on freedom, national sovereignty. 75%
- Church in politics/government: Separation of church and state, legal boundaries, church resistance to government. 73%
12. Islam: Core beliefs, response to Islamic aggression, threat to US peace and domestic stability. 72%