Article 4.2 – What Christians And Other Concerned Americans Can Do – A Game Plan For Action
- Prayer
- Pray hard for God’s will to be done on earth and in America.
- Pray hard for help in bringing people back to God! We need another Great Awakening.
- Pray hard for America and our leaders to turn back to God, the Constitution, and to our founding Biblical principles.
- Make sure your own faith and your family’s faith are well-grounded on the solid rock of the scriptures, of Jesus Christ and of our Real American Christian Heritage.
- Education – It took nearly 150 years for America to change from our Biblical founding to what we have today. This will not change back overnight! You CAN make a difference by helping to educate one person at a time, one group at a time. Here are some examples of what you can do. Feel free to add your own ideas to the list.
- Review your Student Manual, and be sure to read all the articles and watch all the videos listed at the end of every lesson under, “Going Deeper – Supplemental Readings & Videos.” NO ONE can absorb all this information during class.
- Sign up for the Institute on the Constitution (IOTC) weekly e-newsletter which includes a four minute YouTube “Constitutional Commentary” related to a current event. Click on “Newsletter” to subscribe.
- Sign up for other key websites and free emails listed on page- of your Student Manual.
- Talk with people, one-on-one about what you have learned, especially younger people.
- When having political discussions, encourage people (including elected officials) to read the Constitution and have pocket Constitutions on hand.
- Share your copy of the “Monumental” DVD by Kirk Cameron, perhaps for a family movie night at church or presentation at a local civic group meeting.
- Share the YouTube videos listed at the end of every lesson under, “Going Deeper – Supplemental Readings & Videos.”
- Learn how to write or contact your elected officials. Sample letters are in the Resource Section of this Student Manual on page
- Become a more informed and Constitutionally-based voter, especially for candidates running for local and state offices, including judges. Use the documents #5.3 – “Voter Guide Websites” and #5.4 – “Evaluating Candidates,” both located in the Resource section of your Student Manual on pages ___
- Make sure your friends and family members are registered to vote, and offer the above resources to educate them.
- Encourage your pastor, church or community leaders to host one of our seminars. Contact IOTC for further information about this.
- Get 5-10 people in your life to sign up for a future class near you – especially church or community
Lead one of these four-lesson seminars. YES, YOU CAN! This seminar is available through IOTC and includes everything you need to conduct it: Four DVD lectures, Host/Teacher’s Manual, Student Manual and all other materials. The Host/Teacher simply plays the videos, and then leads the students through Application Questions (with the answers included) at the
- end of each lesson. You can do this with five people in your home, a Sunday school class, Bible study, etc. Contact IOTC for details! 800-730-9796.
- Add your own ideas!
- Action
- Stand up and speak with boldness for the truth and principles of God’s Word, for ALL areas, including Civil Government.
- One of the more frequent comments we hear from our class members is, “You know, you’re really preaching to the choir in these classes! How do we get others to learn this material?” Ladies and Gentleman of the Choir: Your country needs you to step up and help restore Godly righteousness and Biblical principles to the United States of America! If the choir doesn’t stand up and speak up, who will? (See next resource for HOW TO DO SO!)
- Review Resource #5.1 – Key Organizations on page — to learn HOW AND WHERE to continue your education and get activated to spread this message. Join one of the organizations listed – Family Research Council or American Renewal Project – to work with your church members to engage our culture and make a positive impact in your community.
- Political and legislative guidelines for Pastors and Church members from Liberty Counsel, are located on page — in the Resource section to help you learn what you can and cannot do in your Churches.
- Work together with other concerned Americans – friends, family, colleagues from your church AND other Christian denominations – on American Biblical values on which we agree. This will create a much stronger voice for God in our earthly affairs, including Civil Government! It is no longer an option for 20 million Christians to stay home and not vote, like in 2012!
- “Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ MUST take a stand NOW if we hope to see our children and grandchildren grow up in a nation with the profound blessings that religious freedom brings.” Franklin Graham – 2015.
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.
… Edward Everett Hale
The God of Heaven will give us success. We his servants will start rebuilding.
… Nehemiah 2:20
Duty is Ours, Results Are God’s.
…John Quincy Adams