Patriot America in Lebanon, Ohio
Patriot America in Lebanon, Ohio
by Dominic MacAulay
On March 6, 2021, a former Ohio State Representative, Candace Keller, held a Patriot America event in Lebanon, Ohio. This event was hosted at a local church named Solid Rock Church and was organized to promote activism in order to bring back accountability and integrity to local communities.
In order to propel the message, Keller invited Christian musician, Phil Driscoll, and pro-life hero, Janet Porter (author of The Heartbeat Bill), to speak at the event. In addition to their messages, Institute on the Constitution's Ohio Chapter Leader, Ricki Pepin, presented the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate to the audience.

In total, more than 700 freedom loving Americans showed up to the Patriot America event. Freed from the fear COVID-19 has brought upon America, these people banded together not just in celebration of the rights they have, but also in defense of the rights they are losing. The audience, as a result of the event, were not only encouraged to take steps to learn about the Constitution from IOTC's Constitution Course, but they also were empowered to become more engaged with their local government and politics.
We hope to see more come from this event in the future!