Jake and the ACT Chapter

Jake and the ACT Chapter
by Dominic MacAulay
The dangers and threat of radical Islam and Sharia Law are nothing new for Americans. As a matter of fact, Columbus traveled to America by sea in order to circumnavigate the muslim controlled trade routes to the Indies. This desperate attempt to avoid the warring Islam and Spaniard armies led to the discovery and settlement of these United States and the American View of Law and Government.

This was the topic of discussion one evening at ACT for America Space Coast Chapter in Brevard County, Florida. This event was hosted by ACT leader Roger Gangitano who invited Jake to come speak in front of his chapter. With over 20 people in attendance, the message Jake had to share about the Christian founding of America and the laws put in place that protect lawful religious freedom was very well received.

We can't wait to come back to Florida for more!