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IOTC's Social Media Platform Extension!!

Big News!!!!

Institute on the Constitution is extending its online presence to, Parlor, Rumble, and MeWe!!

Per your request and the growing popularity of these sites as Constitutional Social Media, our Social Media Manager has been busy creating these sites specifically for your use and the use of other patriots across the country.

Here are the links to our existing accounts outside of Facebook (keep in mind that they are brand new and thus still being added to and perfected):


IOTC's Parlor and Mewe accounts are still under construction and are planned to be launched in the next week. We will be adding and subtracting accounts from these sites as the climate dictates, but we do not plan to move away from either Twitter or Facebook. We provide factually correct information and civil discussion, and, as a result, we have had no run-ins with Either sites.
Thank you all so much for staying with us and helping us accomplish our mutual mission to restore America's Constitutional Republic through grass-roots education!!