CSPOA Sheriff's Convention with Jake MacAulay, Michael Peroutka, and David Whitney
CSPOA Sheriff's Convention with Jake MacAulay, Michael Peroutka, and David Whitney
by Jake MacAulay
IOTC's Jake MacAulay, Michael Peroutka, and David Whitney teamed up with the CSPOA, Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, and Sheriff Richard Mack to put on a conference at liberty University In Lynchburg, Virginia. Sheriffs and law-enforcement officials turned out from over 22 states, and we had a fantastic, all day conference speaking about a sheriff's sacred oath of office to defy a Governor's order, or a federal mandate that does not square with the Constitution. These sheriffs, debris, and law enforcement officials are fully committed to the American view of law and government and the protection of the people that they swore an oath to protect and serve.