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Sandy Nelson - Certified IOTC Instructor


Sandy has a background in math education and business. After being involved in local politics in St. Paul Minnesota, she realized that most people didn’t actually know the Constitution. She became aware of the very real danger of people giving up their God-given rights without regard to what they are giving up.

Sandy was resolved to learn the Constitution for herself and to teach it to others. She researched curriculums for quality and honesty with no hidden agendas.   The Institute on the Constitution provides just such a program.

Students graduate from the class confident that their voice matters and there is a hope to restore our Constitutional Republic. They are able to recognize when their God-give rights are being threatened!   

She wants people to have confidence in their own voice, to speak up, recognize and be bold when someone taking way our God – given rights! She believes in the hope that we can restore our Constitutional Republic through education – learning our foundation and the basics that our founders held.

Sandy is now teaching IOTC classes on the U.S. Constitution in the Black Hills of South Dakota, in the city of Piedmont.