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Deborah Flook - Certified IOTC Instructor


With a background in Musical Theatre and teaching choir and general music for 30 years, the enjoyment of facilitating Constitution classes came easily for Deborah Flook, who lived on her family farm in Ohio for 68 years before moving to California at God’s direction, to begin a new chapter for her and her husband.

Deborah says, “God definitely has a sense of humor to move me out of my comfort zone to a liberal state, where I found patriots hungry for the truth of our Founding Fathers. Little did I know that I would be teaching Constitution classes again in California, thinking I was done with that in Ohio.”

She is the wife of David, a 30 year Air Force veteran, mother of 3 daughters who live in Tennessee, Nevada and Ohio; eight grandchildren and thankful for the ability to advance the knowledge of the history of our country.