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Learn and Live Liberty: How to Get Involved


A. Host the Institute on the Constitution at your church or in your community, or volunteer to support anyone who does, helping with classes, presentations or administrative details.

B. Speak to your pastor about adding primary source referenced material regarding America’s founding to the Church library – DVDs, books, pamphlets – to educate the church on their civil duties as Christians.

C. Work with local, state or national organizations that hold a Constitutional position on the issues, not just “conservative” opinions. Or join “conservative” groups and begin to insert Constitutional ideas into their discussions and policies.

D. Attend local meeting – City Council, Township Trustees or County Commission. Unmask “Regional Planning” as Unconstitutional and promoting violations of private property rights.

E. Attend school board meetings, or run for school board, to bring our schools out of unconstitutional federal control and back to local control.

F. Consider running for office yourself and/or work with others to identify qualified individuals (especially within your church) and encourage them and help them to run for office, particularly local offices like Precinct Committees, Trustees, Commissioners.

G. Willingly serve on juries applying your knowledge and your commitment to constitutional principles.

H. Go to your State Capitol and testify on proposed legislation. Get a copy of your State’s Constitution and study it, paying particular attention to the section which declares the people’s rights. Use this as an opportunity to teach Constitutional principles.

I. Consider forming a Local Advocacy Group in your community. Testify to the council or commission on the purpose of government and the duty for officials to acknowledge God in all that they do.

J. Don’t let your Constitutional rights atrophy for lack of use. Exercise them, and be willing to defend them in court if necessary.

K. Visit webstore and purchase additional materials including DVDs, course kits, and books to explore topics in this course in greater detail.